PetChiDog’s GIANT Book of Chihuahua Care

PetChiDog’s GIANT Book of Chihuahua Care

Brand new to Amazon This incredible Chihuahua care book will be your guide for every step of your Chi’s life, from puppy to adult to senior.

At 364 pages, this book about Chihuahuas covers every single aspect that you need to know about: Sections regarding Chihuahua appearance (coat, size variations, non-official varieties, color), how to facilitate a smooth transition into the home, a complete puppy care chapter, extensive feeding & nutrition info (10 sections), and every single behavioral topic that applies to Chihuahua puppies and dogs (30 sections) which allows you to correct current problems and prevent future ones.

Behavioral sections include ‘Your Chihuahua’s Personality’ which covers the importance of not leaving your Chihuahua’s personality up to chance. You’ll learn how your everyday actions and training methods will help cultivate your Chi’s acceptance, tolerance, and ability to interact with you and the rest of the world in a positive way.

This Chihuahua book also has detailed training for a host of issues including fears (other dogs, traffic, people), exact steps to resolve separation anxiety, care tips for rescued Chihuahuas, a full command training chapter, walking on leash issues, and heeling.

If your Chihuahua isn’t housebroken yet, you’ll be pleased that this book includes a fail-proof house training chapter for speedy success. You will also have detailed information regarding marking and submissive urination.

This remarkable book about Chihuahuas has a comprehensive barking chapter (covering all possible situations), exercise & activity (5 sections including ‘Fun Things to Do’), grooming (6 sections), seasonal care, body-part specific care, female issues, and a full whelping chapter.

A Chihuahua care book is not complete without detailed health topics, and this book delivers with 20+ extremely thorough health sections regarding every single condition the Chihuahua is prone to, issues seen with toy breeds, and those common to canines. Gain the knowledge to spot early signs, and read about treatment options, prognosis, and prevention.

Chihuahuas are a mix of contradictions. Some can be rather hyper. If so, you’ll love the section of ‘Hyper Behavior’ and the training sections of ‘How to Teach Proper Hierarchy’, ‘Jumping on People’, ‘Running Away’, and more. And, if your Chihuahua is shy or nervous, you’ll love ‘Clingy Behavior’ and the incredible ‘Socialization and Desensitization’ chapter that will make a huge difference in how your Chi reacts to his/her world.

You’ll also learn about first aid, how to keep your Chihuahua safe, tips for travel, bonding, sleeping issues, teething & chewing, and much more.

Included are enlightening survey results showing the stats of 3,272 Chihuahuas; this will help you know what to expect and allow you to see where your Chi puppy or dog falls in with others. And, you’ll have two charts that show the stats of 128 Chihuahua puppies over their first-year weigh-in’s.

Contributors include Faye Dunningham (canine trainer and author) and several AKC Chihuahua breeders.

This book is truly GIANT; however, you won’t be overwhelmed; meticulous care was given to fonts, bullets, side bars, and specialized text to make it a joy to read.

Whether you have your first puppy or are a seasoned owner, this Chihuahua book is a must-have. Let’s start fresh today and work toward optimal health and happiness for your canine family member.

PetChiDog's GIANT Book of Chihuahua Care

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