Pit Bull Terrier
Bull Terrier Dog Info
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American Pit Bull Terrier Handbook

properly socialized at an early age, the very
energetic American Pit Bull Terrier usually matures
to become a friendly animal and a good family
pet. This updated title is an addition Barron’s
popular Pet Handbooks series. Comprehensive pet
care information on specific animals and breeds,
with advice on selecting and acquiring an animal,
feeding and health maintenance, and much more.
The American pit bull is a powerful, medium-sized, short-haired
dog. It is an intelligent dog whose ancestors came from
England. Compared with the English Staffordshire Bull
Terrier, the pit bull is larger by about 6 inches and
heavier by about 30 pounds. Although all other characteristics
are quite comparable.
Pit bulls have a zest for life; they are confident and
immensely powerful! They are also very agile and have
been known to climb trees and fences. Even though they
have been used as guard dogs and attack dogs for a long
time, they aren’t necessarily the best choice for these
roles. Their friendly nature makes them a sucker for
petting, even from a stranger. The aggressive behavior
that pit bulls are sadly known for is actually very
uncharacteristic of this soppy, loveable hulk!
The American pit bull was created by breeding Old English
Bulldogs and Old English Terriers. This produced a dog
that has a lot of strength and gameness. Not surprisingly,
these dogs were first bread in England, but their migration
to America lead them to be the direct ancestors of the
American pit bull we know today.
Pit bulls were used as catch dogs in the early 20th
century. They would help to hunt, drive livestock and
catch semi-wild hogs and cattle. However, the name,
as I’m sure you know is due to the popular, at the time,
sport of dogfighting. The pit bull took its name from
the pit in which dogs fought. The fights usually happened
for the purposes of gambling, but they were also used
as a way of testing the quality of the stock. Pit bulls
have also been used as attack dogs and as guard dogs,
usually for nefarious purposes since their arrival in
Due to this violent past and a few adoption programmes
of pit bulls that ended up with dead cats, the pit bull
still has a bad reputation today, even though they can
be the most beautiful pets if they are trained properly.
The United Kennel Club describes the American Pit Bull
The essential characteristics of the American Pit Bull
Terrier are strength, confidence, and zest for life.
This breed is eager to please and brimming over with
enthusiasm. APBTs make excellent family companions and
have always been noted for their love of children. Because
most APBTs exhibit some level of dog aggression and
because of its powerful physique, the APBT requires
an owner who will carefully socialize and obedience
train the dog.
The breed’s natural agility makes it one of the most
capable canine climbers so good fencing is a must for
this breed. The APBT is not the best choice for a guard
dog since they are extremely friendly, even with strangers.
Aggressive behavior toward humans is uncharacteristic
of the breed and highly undesirable. This breed does
very well in performance events because of its high
level of intelligence and its willingness to work
Pit Bull Bans : Twelve countries in Europe, as
well as Australia, Canada, Ecuador, Malaysia, New Zealand,
Puerto Rico, Singapore, and Venezuela have enacted some
form of breed-specific legislation on pit bull-type
dogs, including American Pit Bull Terriers, ranging
from outright bans to restrictions and conditions on
ownership. The state of New South Wales in Australia
places restrictions on the breed, including mandatory
sterilization. The breed is banned in the United Kingdom,
in the Canadian province of Ontario, and in many locations
in the United States.
A male American pit bull terrier can reach heights of
18-21 inches while a female can reach heights of 17-20
inches. Males are also slightly heavier coming in at
around 35-60lbs while the females weigh in between 30
and 50lbs.
Food/Diet/Health Issues
Pit bulls are one of the healthiest breeds around in
Amercian. Sadly this is due to the culling of the weaker
of the breed in dogfighting. As long as a pit bull gets
all its vaccinations, it will be a healthy and happy
friend, with only a few known illnesses that can affect
it throughout its life.
The diet of a pit bull, you may not be surprised to
know, is rather large. It is a large dog with a lot
of muscle, and so it needs a lot of food to keep going.
A diet of vegetables and meat is the best for any dog
as this gives them all the vitamins they need.
Life Expectancy
The life expectancy of a healthy American pit bull terrier
is between 8-15 years.
Interesting Traits: Contrary to popular belief,
pit bulls are loving, family-oriented dogs. Ask the
right owner, and you will see a tear come to their eye
as they explain what their pit bull is like. It is just
a shame that a few people have trained them to be so
vicious. Their temperament is the total opposite of
what you read about. They are caring, funny, clever,
soppy, awesome dogs!