
Argentino Info
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Argentino And Argentine Dogo:
The Dogo Argentino, sometimes called the Argentine
Dogo is an incredible & powerful breed.
From puppies & how to find the best Dogo Argentino
for sale, bringing your friend home, the adult
Dogo- this guide covers it all!
Argentino Description
Often referred
to as the canine equivalent of an armored tank, the
Dogo Argentino has majestic, massive and muscular body
with rectangular shape. The head is broad and convex,
with short sturdy and square muzzle, strong jaws and
high, wide-set ears. The tail is long, thick and reaches
to the hocks. In a nutshell, the Dogo Argentino's looks
combine power and elegance. He moves with a feline grace
and has intelligent facial expression.
Dogo Argentionos have short, thick, smooth, glossy and
pure white coats. The hairs are stiff and relatively
coarse. Although not preferable, darker skin pigmentation
through the coat can be accepted. Dark black marking
around one of the eyes, is also an acceptable trait.
Breed History
The Dogo Argentino is a dog that was specifically bred
for hunting, specifically for things like puma and wild
boar. They are strong, intelligent animals that respond
quickly with athletic prowess and lighting reflexes.
Dogos are short-haired and have smooth coats. They are
usually completely white, but some may have a dark patch
near the eye that usually covers 5-10% of the face.
The Dogo Argentino, sometimes called the Argentinian
Mastiff, was bred by a physician and professor in Argentina
named Antonio Nores Martinez in 1928. He wanted to create
a breed that was not only a great hunting dog, but would
be a loyal pet as well. The base breed that the Dogo
was based upon was an extinct animal called the Cordoba
Fighting Dog.
The Cordoba was crossed with the Boxer, Spanish Mastiff,
Old English Bulldog, Bull Terrier, Great Pyrenees, Pointer,
Irish Wolfhound and Great Dane among others, with a
great deal of selective breeding to bring out the traits
that Martinez desired.
is believed that the Dogo originated in the late 1920s,
as a result of the efforts of two Argentinean brothers,
Antonio and Agustin Martinez, who wanted a dog that
would be brave and strong enough to hunt big game, but
also manageable and fiercely protective of its owner.
They crossed the now extinct, native dog, Cordoba, with
nine breeds including Spanish Mastiff, Irish Wolfhound,
Bulldog, Great Pyrenees, Great Dane, Dogue de Bordeaux,
Bull Terrier, Boxer and Pointer.
Dogo Argentino Personality
Despite his intimidating appearance and toughness, the
Dogo Argentino has a friendly personality and loves
to be petted. He craves human affection, physical contact
and a closely-bonded relationship with its people.
Dogos are at their best behavior when treated as part
of the family but they must always know their exact
place in the pack. He makes excellent watch and guard
dog. His thunderous bark is enough to scare potential
intruders. Although he is not likely to start a fight,
if challenged he will not back down.
When in action, on the field, Dogos are brave, determined
and tireless hunters. They are intelligent, alert and
athletic to their core. The Dogo Argentino is very responsive
to training efforts. However if not properly handled
from an early age, he can be a handful mess.
The Dogo Argentino breed is a very friendly one, as
long as they know you and trust you.
They are very trustworthy dogs and will usually obey
well. They are usually fine with children, but you may
want to supervise them. This goes the same with your
other pets.
These are very courageous animals and will protect you
in a crisis. The Dogo will bark, but usually only when
Food, Height & Weight
The Dogo Argentino is a voracious eater, especially
during puppyhood. If not supervised and controlled,
his eating habits can easily lead to obesity. The Dogo
Argentino needs a high quality diet that supports his
intense growth without promoting obesity. It is advisable
to enrich his diet with eggs, yoghurt, canola oils and
vitamin C supplements.
Generally, the Dogo Argentino male stands between 24
to 27 inches while the female stands between 24 to 26
inches. The dog weighs 88 to 99 pounds, putting it on
the heavy scale among American canines. The bitch weighs
77 to 88 pounds.
You should feed your Dogo Argentino fresh food whenever
possible. These should be balanced meals made of fresh
meats like chicken, fish, venison, bison, lamb and turkey.
Beef is also okay. Also, you should mix eggs, yogurt,
fruits and vegetables in their meat in small amounts.
& Life Expectancy
are a few health concerns to be aware of when it comes
to the Dogo Argentino. They can suffer from deafness,
dysplasia, autoimmune disease like thyroiditis and they
are particularly prone to skin allergies.
Dogo Argentino is a voracious eater, especially during
puppyhood. If not supervised and controlled, his eating
habits can easily lead to obesity. The Dogo Argentino
needs a high quality diet that supports his intense
growth without promoting obesity. It is advisable to
enrich his diet with eggs, yoghurt, canola oils and
vitamin C supplements.
The Dogo will live between 9 and 15 years when taken
care of and without any major health problems.
Fun Facts
The Dogo Argentino was bred from the Cordoba Fighting
Dog, but all of the overly aggressive traits were bred
out of the Dogo. The Cordoba would fight with other
dogs and was hard to manage, but Dogos are mostly friendly.
However, they are banned in some countries including
Australia, Ukraine, Denmark, Iceland, Singapore and
the Cayman Islands. They are also banned in the U.K.
unless you have a special license.
The Dogo is often used by the military and police, and
can be an excellent guide or therapy dog. In addition,
the Dogo Argentino drools a great deal. Despite being
a ferocious and extremely effective hunter, the Dogo
Argentino enjoys cuddling.
of their loyal personalities and tremendous skills,
today Dogo Argentinos are used for military and police
work, in search and rescue missions and as guide dogs
for the blind. To honor their contribution to humanity,
in their native Argentina there is a statue of a Dogo