American Bulldog

Breed Info
by Google®
Bulldog (Comprehensive Owner's Guide)

The American Bulldog is now one of the nation’s
most celebrated canine exports, establishing a
devoted following around the globe. Author Abe
Fishman provides a controversial but wholly candid
retelling of the breed’s history and its re-creation
in the United States. The history chapter is followed
by a chapter devoted to the characteristics of
this exceptional working breed, offering sound
advice about which owners are best suited to this
vigorous and active canine.
The American bulldog began life as cattle drivers. The
dogs were trained to catch and hold cows and bulls until
they could be corralled. American bulldogs are perfect
for this as they have what's known as a "lockjaw". Their
jaws will lock once the dog has bitten down on something.
Basically, once an American bulldog bites something,
you're going to have a tough time of getting it to let
American bulldogs found homes with people would had
emigrated from England to the USA. Perhaps the English
took a liking to them because of their fondness for
English bulldogs. The breeds physical abilities and
temperament made them excellent working dogs in multiple
fields; including guard duty and of course cattle driving.
Over time, the need for the American bulldog was largely
over, and the breed was close to extinction. However,
in the mid-20th century, two men decided to change this,
Allen Scott and John D. Johnson. Practically every American
bulldog alive today can trace its pedigree back to the
dogs that Johnson and Scott used to breed their first
American bulldog pups.
The Johnson American Bulldog, which is sometimes called
the “Classic” American Bulldog is a distinctive breed
that is popular in breeding circles and in dog shows.
Johnson American Bulldogs are taller and heavier than
the closely related Scott American Bulldog. Johnson
Bulldogs have wider chests and more boxy-looking heads.
original English Bulldog started as a cattle dog and
a guard dog. They were extremely good utility dogs and
immigrants from England brought them to the United States
to help them start a new life. Once they were here,
they were called by many different names and had actually
almost reached extinction by the mid-20th century.
But two men decided to restore the breed. One of them
was John D. Johnson, after which the Johnson American
Bulldog is named. Allen Scott was the other man breeding
American Bulldogs to repopulate them. His American Bulldogs
are known as “Scott American Bulldogs.”
Johnson American Bulldog Personality
The "Johnson" American bulldog is the larger of the
two American bulldog types today. They are also known
as the classic American bulldog. They stand between
23 and 27 inches at the shoulder and weigh an impressive
90 to 120 pounds. Johnson's American bulldogs have wider
chests, heavier bones and boxier heads than Scott's.
You may notice the similarities between Johnson's and
English bulldogs; this is due to an early cross with
their English cousins.
Although "Johnson" American bulldogs are large and look
quite boisterous, they have very similar temperaments
to English bulldogs. They have a gentle and affectionate
quality that often leads to them being known as massive
lap dogs. They also have a love for children and are
alert, loyal and confident. All American bulldog types
respond well to being trained early and to an owner
that isn't afraid to step into the pack leaders shoes
and show discipline when needed.
The Johnson American Bulldog is very gentle and affectionate.
They will climb up on your lap and they love playing
with children. However, they are also very good guard
dogs due to the fact that they are constantly on alert
and very loyal to their owners.
The Johnson American Bulldog is very strong-willed,
so training should be done as soon as possible. It may
be too late to try to train them when they are older.
Once a "Johnson" American bulldog is part of a pack,
it will protect it with its life. It is a true family
pet that will love you and protect you no matter the
cost. However, the downside to this loyalty is that
they love to be near you. So you will have one of the
biggest lapdogs in the world for around 16 years of
your life! You may never stand up within these 16 years,
but you'll have a friend to lick your face regardless.
Food, Height & Weight
The dog stands between 23 and 27 inches at the shoulder;
weight ranges from 90 to 120 pounds. The bitch is about
the same height and usually weighs just a few pounds
American Bulldogs should be fed puppy food up until
about 10 months and then switched to adult food. From
0 to 6 months, you should feed them 3-4 times per day.
After they are a year old, you can feed them twice a
day. Their diet should consist of protein, fats, fruits
and vegetables, with very little or none of fillers,
milk products and fatty foods. Also, dog foods that
contain carrots or other forms of beta-carotene will
help to promote good eye health.
& Life Expectancy
American bulldogs require a lot of exercise to keep
them entertained and healthy. Remember, these dogs were
first bred to help with cattle driving, so they aren't
shy of a bit of exercise. There are few health issues
associated with American bulldogs, however, overall,
they are considered a healthy breed.
American Bulldogs can suffer from medical conditions
such as poor vision, digestive issues, hip dysplasia
and joint issues, due to the stress that the large body
puts upon its short legs.
In addition, American Bulldogs have digestive problems,
which means that they are particularly prone to flatulence,
something that your kids will find endlessly amusing.
The American Bulldog is a big shedder, so you want to
brush them often to get rid of loose hair. They also
need to be exposed to people regularly because they
are very protective otherwise.
The American Bulldog will live between 10 and 15 years.
Fun Facts
There are several interesting facts about the American
Bulldog. Both the Scott and Johnson American Bulldogs
owe their existence to two men: Allen Scott and John
D. Johnson. Every single American Bulldog alive today
has either Johnson’s stud dog “Dick the Bruiser” or
Scott’s “Mac the Masher” in their ancestry. In addition,
American Bulldogs have digestive problems, which means
that they are particularly prone to flatulence, something
that your kids will find endlessly amusing.